The Institution encourages its teachers to take R&D and Consultancy projects within Institution, with other institutions or Industries, appropriate to the teachers' competence.

Consultancy Projects

    The teacher shall undertake a consultancy project when the institution is approached for such cooperation. Institute will assign the project to a particular teacher or when the teacher is approached by an outside agency for such cooperation

    In either case, the teacher shall take up the project by obtaining the approval of the Principal/Chairman/Correspondent in writing.

    The teacher shall avail the administrative and infrastructure facilities available in the Institution for carrying out his/her project work.

    The teacher may also associate other members of the faculty for working in the project

    The teacher shall levy such professional charges on the benefiting agency; However, the charges shall be shared with the Institution on the following basis:
  i. Where it is a R&D or consultancy project type, involving the infrastructure facilities and work time, it shall be 60:40 (40% to Institution).
  ii. In all other cases like consultancy projects, it shall be 80:20 (20% to Institution).

    Where members of staff are associated in the project undertaken by a faculty, the associated staff members shall be paid honorarium by the faculty appropriately, with the approval of the Principal/Chairman/ Correspondent.

    The Project coordinator shall utilize the project funds received as per the terms and conditions agreed upon with the funding agencies.